
The Top 4 Dos and Don’ts For Cleaning and Maintaining A Granite Worktop

Some homeowners may be a bit wary about opting for natural stone when it comes to their kitchen or bathroom worktops, as they have the impression that caring for it would take up too much of their time. Some even believe that natural stone is too delicate! But these myths are all they are – myths. If you opt for a natural stone worktop such as granite, you have plenty of benefits to look forward to. Caring for these worktops isn’t such a difficult thing, either. Here are the top four dos and don’ts when it comes to caring for your granite worktop.

Do Clean up as Soon as Possible

When using your granite worktop, clean it up as soon as you can. This is especially true if there are any spills, such as coffee or wine spills, fruit juice spills, and the like. Whilst spills will not really have a damaging effect on granite (meaning, they will not etch the granite surface), it’s still common sense to clean up spills on your granite worktop immediately.

Do use Appropriate Cleaning Materials

When you are wiping up spills or simply keeping your granite worktop clean, you should also make it a point to use only the appropriate cleaning materials. These would include a sponge or microfibre cloth rather than abrasive or rough sponges or cloths. And whilst dish cleaners can be used for certain types of spills, try not to use dish soap or cleaner that often, as they may end up affecting your worktop’s sheen and shine. Instead, look for a specially-made granite worktop cleaner for regular care.

Don’t use Harsh Cleaners

It is important to remember that your granite worktop can be quite sensitive to harsh cleaners, such as standard glass cleaners and bleach. Avoid using any of these cleaning products on your worktop, as they can de-grade the sealer and may end up making the stone more susceptible to stains or damage. You might also think that home-made cleaners are a good idea – not so. Avoid using home-made cleaners, especially those that consist of vinegar, lemon juice, or ammonia, as they may weaken the surface of your worktop as well.

Do use Hot Pads, Trivets, and Cutting Boards

When using granite worktops London, you should also take some extra measures to make sure that it is adequately protected. This would mean making use of hot pads and trivets so you can avoid placing hot pans and pots directly onto your worktop’s surface. Although granite will rarely get damaged because of heat, it is still wise to protect it as much as you can. The same concept is true when you use cutting boards. Knives and other sharp objects can scratch the surface of your worktop, so make sure to use a cutting board at all times.