A chain-link gate is a great choice and there are many reasons why this is the preferred gate type for many homeowners. This style of gate is durable and the chain-link style fence can withstand high gale force winds. The gate is made using interlocking steel wire that is woven together to create a long lasting structure. Before a chain-link fence and gate is setup, the structure is made stable by cementing steel posts into the ground.
There are several reasons why someone would want to install a chain-link fence and gate. If you worry that your small pet may run out of the house and into the street then a chain-link gate is a great way to make sure this doesn’t happen. It is also a method of securing your property or commercial site. If you have children then a chain-link fence and gate is a great way of ensuring that they don’t run out onto the streets.
Since chain-link fencing is made from galvanized steel, it does not rust and is long-lasting, and therefore cost effective. If any part of the fence does get damaged, it can be easily cut out and then replaced.
Different Types of Gates
There are a number of different styles that you can choose for your gate, depending on the terrain and the size of the gate. The following are a few of the most common chain-link gate types:
– Pedestrian Gate: This is also known as a walk-through gate and is the most affordable type of gate that you can install. It is the most straightforward way to get from one side of your fence to the other. Usually the gate is placed in the part of the fence line that is near the sidewalk, or alternatively, next to the house so that it’s easy to walk around the house from the front to the back.
– Double swing gate: If you have a car then this is the most affordable type of gate to install. It is also suited to rocky ground or ground with rough asphalt on it as this type of gate doesn’t touch the ground and is lightweight, and can be opened with minimal effort. It is important to keep in mind that if you live in a windy area you need to fix this type of gate with holdbacks or it will get blown around by strong winds.
– Rolling gate: If you have a concrete driveway then this gate would be suited to you. It is a wide rolling gate that works best when there is concrete underneath the gate where a strip of angle iron can be mounted on which the gate can roll smoothly. While this option may be slightly more expensive than the others, it will ensure that the wheels of the gate last longer and it will require little effort to open and close the gate.
With a rolling gate, you can bring a vehicle right up to the gate since it won’t swing open but instead will roll to the side. The gate will also never accidentally hit your car by swinging since it will be opened parallel to the fence. Usually a roll gate is a single gate whereas swing gates are double gates which means you are opening two gates. A roll gate is suitable for use on hard, concrete surfaces that require daily usage.
Installation Time
It would be advisable to block a week for an installation since it takes one day to set fence posts, another 3 to 4 days for the concrete to cure and to make the gate. Finally, it takes a day to stretch the wire and hang the gates. Every project is different so it will ultimately depend on the individual requirements that you have.
It is important to check the local laws regarding building fences and gates in your home before beginning any work. For gate installations in Victorville, for example, you require a permit. This is also the case in the City of Adelanto. However, some regions don’t require permits, such as Hesperia, Apple Valley, Oak Hills, Phelan, Wrightwood and Lucerne Valley to name a few. The permits, where needed, are aimed at making sure the fence and gate height is correct. Most cities in the high desert area permit a fence height of 4 feet in the front of the house and 6 feet in the back of the house.
Property Lines
When installing a gate on your property, always get the area surveyed professionally to determine property lines. The last thing you want to do as a neighbor is install a fence with a gate attached, only to find out that you are encroaching on your neighbor’s property. You will then have to rip out the fence and redo the entire project, thereby incurring unnecessary costs. All of this can be avoided by surveying your property before beginning any work to ensure your fence is placed in the correct position. Remember, it is not the contractor’s responsibility to determine the property lines.
It is also important to keep in mind that gas lines and other utility lines run underground and when you dig during gate installation, you could easily hit one of these lines, causing a lot of damage. Get hold of a map of your home which should show you where exactly the utility lines are running.
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